

Revival of local masking traditions in Latvia as the result of cooperation between performers and researchers:

Aīda Rancāne


Cultural StudiesAnthropologyAnthropologySociologyPerforming artsMusicMasking (illustration)Epistemology


At a time when it is possible to identify oneself with the global and universal, an opposite process is also occurring: an increase in interest in the local. This article describes the process of renewing three previously interrupted traditions. Is it possible to reconstruct a tradition at all, and what are the general conditions of cooperation between the researchers and participants to ensure a successful process? *** V casu, ko se je mogoce poistovetiti z globalnim in univerzalnim, se pojavlja tudi nasprotni proces – porast zanimanja za lokalno. V razpravi avtorica opise proces obnavljanja treh predhodno prekinjenih tradicij in se sprasuje, ali je mogoce rekonstruirati tradicijo in v katerih okoliscinah lahko sodelovanje raziskovalca in udeležencev zagotovi uspeh?
