

Additional file 1 of Comparison of time and dose dependent gene expression and affected pathways in primary human fibroblasts after exposure to ionizing radiation

Lara Kim BrackmannAlicia PoplawskiCaine Lucas GrandtHeike SchwarzThomas HankelnSteffen RappSebastian ZahnreichDanuta GaletzkaIris SchmittChristian GradLukas EckhardJohanna MirschMaria BlettnerPeter Scholz-kreiselMoritz HessHarald BinderHeinz SchmidbergerManuela Marron



Additional file 1: Web Figure 1. Representative measurements of the cell cycle distribution of HOECHST33258-stained fibroblasts by flow cytometry during (A) log-phase growth or (B) after G0/1 synchronization over 14 days for radiation experiments. Web Figure 2. Total number of differentially expressed genes in human fibroblasts from cancer free-controls at 0.25 h, 2 h and 24 h after exposure to low (0.05 Gray (Gy)) or high dose (2Gy) of X-rays compared to unirradiated fibroblasts (N = 3). Web Figure 3. Correlation of RNA quality metrics (RIN, Qbit RNA-concentration), expression variation (PC1–3) and number of aligned reads (aligned reads, aligned reads normalized) for all experiments. The color indicates the sequencing run (red = run 1, blue = run 2). Web Figure 4. Relative expression of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor 1A (CDKN1A) in Real-Time Quantitative Polymerase-Chain-Reaction (qPCR) analyzing the expression of CDKN1A in fibroblasts of 6 participants 2 h and 4 h after exposure to 0.05 Gray (Gy) or 2Gy ionizing radiation compared to sham-irradiated samples (0Gy, reference). *** p < 0.001. Web Figure 5. Relative expression of Mouse double minute 2 homolog (MDM2) in Real-Time Quantitative Polymerase-Chain-Reaction (qPCR) analyzing the expression of MDM2 in fibroblasts of 6 participants 2 h and 4 h after exposure to 0.05 Gray (Gy) or 2Gy ionizing radiation compared to sham-irradiated samples (0Gy, reference). *** p < 0.001. Web Figure 6. Expression variation in fibroblasts summarized for all experiments and attributed to time point post irradiation (circle = 2 h, cross = 4 h) and dose (orange = 0 Gray (Gy), blue = 0.05Gy, green = 2Gy).
