

Network-Based Computational Techniques to Determine the Risk Drivers of Bank Failures During a Systemic Banking Crisis

Andreas KrauseSimone Giansante


Solvencyinterbank loansliquidityControl and OptimizationVulnerabilitybank failureMonetary economicsMarket concentrationNetwork topologynetwork topologySolvencyComputer Science ApplicationsMarket liquidityComputational Mathematicsbanking crisesArtificial Intelligencesystemic crisissystemic riskSystemic riskBalance sheetBusinessBank failure


This paper employs a computational model of solvency and liquidity contagion assessing the vulnerability of banks to systemic risk. We find that the main risk drivers relate to the financial connections a bank has and the market concentration, apart from the size of the bank triggering the contagion, while balance sheets play only a minor role. We also find that market concentration might facilitate banks to withstand liquidity shocks better while exposing them to larger solvency chocks. Our results are validated through an out-of-sample forecasting that shows that both type I and type II prediction errors are reduced if we include network characteristics in our prediction model.
