

Ultrastructure of the sternal glands inThrips validus uzel (Thysanoptera, terebrantia)

Werner Bode


Endoplasmic reticulumAnatomyMitochondrionBiologyCell biologyCytoplasmLipid dropletUltrastructureMicrobodyAnimal Science and ZoologySecretionAnatomyReticulumDevelopmental Biology


The ultrastructure of the sternal glands of the males ofThrips validus is consistent with the hypothesis that they are involved in pheromone production. The secretory cells, which are strongly modified epidermal cells, are characterized by the abundance of mitochondria and the presence of agranular, tubular endoplasmic reticulum (ATER) and microbodies. Each of the numerous apical microvilli encloses one or several tubular extensions of ATER. Some mitochondria are in close contact with ATER tubules. The mitochondrial matrix is probably involved in the elaboration of the secretory product, which is extruded and possibly modified by the agranular reticulum. The secretion is sudanophilic, but not osmiophilic. No lipid droplets are found in the cytoplasm. After storage in the strongly dilated subcuticular space, the secretion is released by epicuticular ductules with a diameter of about 120 a.
