

Ecologies of Practice

Brandy YeeAnne SliwkaMatti Rautiainen


Power (social and political)Praxismedia_common.quotation_subjectLearning environmentPedagogyPsychology of selfCross-culturalSociologyPeriod (music)Research evidencemedia_common


Through current research evidence, anecdotal experiences portrayed in the research to praxis sections and country-specific images of practice, we hope the chapters of this book have highlighted the tremendous potential and power of the adolescent developmental period. Education systems, schools and teachers all play important roles in how the schooling experience of adolescents unfolds. Since such a significant portion of their sense of self develops through their interactions and explorations with people and ideas at school, we can no longer leave to chance what happens during the middle years of learning. Bringing the science and research of adolescence and adolescent schooling to life through the lens of story was the best way we believed we could help our readers see just what is possible when we deliberately create a learning environment suited to the unique developmental needs of these learners. The images of practice brought to life in the pages of this book cross cultural and linguistic borders of countries, whose education systems reflect policies and practices deeply rooted in long-held beliefs about what it means to be an educated citizen of the country. Common to the images of practice from all three countries, however, is the constant search for how to ameliorate the schooling experience for adolescent learners by challenging the existing discourse on what is believed to be possible during the middle years of learning.
