

Backcalculation of airport pavement moduli and thickness using the Lévy Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

G. Fileccia ScimemiClara CelauroTiziana Turetta


Engineeringmoduli backcalculation0211 other engineering and technologies020101 civil engineering02 engineering and technologyheuristic algorithm.0201 civil engineeringModuliDeflection (engineering)Nondestructive testing021105 building & constructionSettore ICAR/04 - Strade Ferrovie Ed AeroportiGeneral Materials ScienceFWD dataCivil and Structural Engineeringbusiness.industryAnt colony optimization algorithmsPavement managementBuilding and ConstructionAbstract interpretationRemaining lifeNon Destructive TestingbusinessSettore ICAR/08 - Scienza Delle CostruzioniAlgorithmairport pavement


Interpretation of NDTdata is crucial in any Airport Pavement Management System (APMS), in order to implement strategies to maintain airport pavementssince they allow to estimate their remaining life and related maintenance needs and activities. In this paper, the AntColony Optimization algorithmwasused for backcalculation of pavement moduli from surface deflection data. The algorithm’s performances are illustrated and improvement in prediction quality is demonstrated both in terms of goodness of fitness and computational effort. Moreover, it is proved that the proposed algorithm is also able to predict layer thicknesses, taking into account their variation too.
