

Study of η and η' Photoproduction at MAMI

V.l. KashevarovP. OttS. PrakhovP. AdlarsonF. AfzalZ. AhmedC.s. AkondiJ.r.m. AnnandH.j. ArendsR. BeckA. BraghieriW.j. BriscoeF. CividiniR. CodlingC. CollicottS. CostanzaA. DenigE.j. DownieM. DieterleM.i. Ferretti BondyL.v. FilkovA. FixS. GardnerS. GarniD.i. GlazierD. GlowaW. GradlG. GurevichD.j. HamiltonD. HornidgeD. HowdleG.m. HuberA. KäserS. KayI. KeshelashviliR. KondratievM. KorolijaB. KruscheJ. LinturiV. LisinK. LivingstonI.j.d. MacgregorR. MacraeJ. MancellD.m. ManleyP.p. MartelJ.c. McgeorgeE. McnicolD.g. MiddletonR. MiskimenE. MornacchiC. MullenA. MushkarenkovA. NeiserM. OberleM. OstrickP.b. OtteB. OussenaD. PaudyalP. PedroniV.v. PolyanskiA. RajabiG. ReicherzJ. RobinsonG. RosnerT. RostomyanA. SartyD.m. SchottS. SchumannC. SfientiV. SokhoyanK. SpiekerO. SteffenB. StrandbergI.i. StrakovskyTh. StrubI. SupekM.f. TaraginA. ThielM. ThielL. TiatorA. ThomasM. UnverzagtS. WagnerD.p. WattsD. WerthmüllerJ. WettigL. WitthauerM. WolfesR.l. WorkmanL. Zana




The reactions γp → ηp and γp → η0\ud p are measured from their thresholds up to the center-of-mass\ud energy W ¼ 1.96 GeV with the tagged-photon facilities at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI. Differential cross\ud sections are obtained with unprecedented statistical accuracy, providing fine energy binning and full\ud production-angle coverage. A strong cusp is observed in the total cross section for η photoproduction at the\ud energies in the vicinity of the η0 threshold, W ¼ 1896 MeV (Eγ ¼ 1447 MeV). Within the framework of a\ud revised ηMAID isobar model, the cusp, in connection with a steep rise of the η0 total cross section from its\ud threshold, can only be explained by a strong coupling of the poorly known Nð1895Þ1=2− state to both ηp\ud and η0\ud p. Including the new high-accuracy results in the ηMAID fit to available η and η0 photoproduction\ud data allows the determination of the Nð1895Þ1=2− properties.
