De Rham–Hodge–Kodaira Operator on Loop Groups
Jacques FranchiShizan Fangsubject
Loop (topology)Pure mathematicsIdentity (mathematics)Operator (physics)Loop groupMathematical analysisMathematics::Differential GeometryBrownian bridgeAnalysisRicci curvatureMathematicsdescription
AbstractWe consider a based loop group Le(G) over a compact Lie groupG, endowed with its pinned Wiener measureν(the law of the Brownian bridge onG) and we shall calculate the Ricci curvature for differentialn-forms over Le(G). A type of Bochner–Weitzenböck formula for general differentialn-forms (or Shigekawa identity) will be established.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1997-08-01 | Journal of Functional Analysis |