

Experimental infection of the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) has no negative effects on the physiology of the captive reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus)

Arja KaitalaTommi PaakkonenMilla SolismaaRaine KortetAnne-mari MustonenJari AhoHannu YlönenTeemu KiljanderLaura HärkönenSauli LaaksonenSanna-mari KynkäänniemiReijo KäkeläSeppo SaarelaPetteri NieminenKatri Puukka


Male0106 biological sciencesInsecticidesVeterinary medicineParasitismEctoparasitic Infestations010603 evolutionary biology01 natural sciences03 medical and health sciencesIvermectinbiology.animalmedicineAnimals030304 developmental biology0303 health sciencesIvermectinGeneral VeterinarybiologyHippoboscidaeHost (biology)DipteraGeneral Medicinebiology.organism_classificationPhysiological AdaptationsRangifer tarandus tarandus13. Climate actionLipoptena cerviFemaleParasitologyReindeermedicine.drug


The deer ked (Lipoptena cervi) is a haematophagous parasitic fly of cervids that spread to Finland in the early 1960's. Presently its northern distribution limit lies at approximately 65°N and it is gradually spreading northwards. In Finland the principal host species has been the moose (Alces alces), but the deer ked is about to establish contact with another potential host, the semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) causing possible threats to reindeer health and management. The aim of this study was to investigate if the deer ked would have an influence on the welfare of the reindeer. Eighteen adult reindeer were divided into three experimental groups: the control group and two infected groups with 300 deer keds per reindeer introduced in August-September. One of the infected groups was treated with subcutaneous ivermectin in November. To gather comprehensive data on potential health hazards caused by the deer ked a wide array of physiological variables was measured during and at the end of the experiment in December. The keds caused no clear changes in the complete blood count, plasma clinical chemistry, amino acids, endocrinology, energy stores, enzyme activities or tissue fatty acid profiles of the host. The haematological, clinical chemical and endocrinological values displayed changes that could be related to the seasonal physiological adaptations of the species. In conclusion, at the duration and intensity of infection that were employed, the effects of the deer ked on the measured physiological variables of the reindeer were insignificant.
