

Ellenberg-type indicator values for European vascular plant species

Tichý LubomírAxmanová IrenaDengler JürgenGuarino RiccardoJansen FlorianMidolo GabrieleMichael P. NobisVan&nbsp Koenraad MeerbeekAćić SvetlanaFabio AttorreBergmeier ErwinBiurrun IdoiaBonari GianmariaBruelheide Helge Juan Antonio CamposČArni AndražChiarucci AlessandroĆUk MirjanaĆUšterevska RenataDidukh YakivDítě DanielDítě ZuzanaDziuba TetianaGiuliano FanelliFernández‐pascual EduardoGarbolino EmmanuelRosario G. GavilánGégout Jean‐claudeGraf UlrichGüler BehlülHájek MichalStephan M. HennekensJandt UteJašková AnniJiménez‐alfaro BorjaJulve PhilippeKambach Stephan Dirk Nikolaus KargerKarrer GerhardKavgacı AliKnollová IlonaKuzemko AnnaKüzmič FilipLanducci FlaviaLengyel AttilaLenoir JonathanMarcenò Corrado Jesper Erenskjold MoeslundNovák PavelPérez‐haase AaronPeterka TomášPielech RemigiuszAlessandro PignattiRašomavičius ValerijusRūsiņa SolvitaSaatkamp ArneŠIlc UrbanŠKvorc ŽEljkoTheurillat Jean‐paulWohlgemuth ThomasChytrý Milan


Vascular plantbioindication; Ellenberg indicator values; light; moisture; nutrients; reaction; salinity; temperature; vascular plantsBos- en LandschapsecologieEnvironmental Sciences & EcologyreactionPlant ScienceMOISTUREEllenberg indicator valuessalinityRICHNESSFORESTSnutrientsmoistureGRADIENTECOLOGICAL BEHAVIORForest and Landscape Ecologyvascular plants577: ÖkologieVegetatieEllenberg indicator valueVegetationScience & TechnologyNORTHEcologyPlant SciencesSHIFTStemperatureForestrybioindication Ellenberg indicator values light moisture nutrients reaction salinity temperature vascular plantsREGIONSbioindication580: Pflanzen (Botanik)Settore BIO/03 - Botanica Ambientale E ApplicataVegetatie Bos- en LandschapsecologieVegetation Forest and Landscape EcologylightLife Sciences & BiomedicineNutrient


This is a dataset of Ellenberg-type indicator values for European vascular plant species described in this article: Tichý L., Axmanová I., Dengler J., Guarino R., Jansen F., Midolo G., Nobis M.P., Van Meerbeek K., Aćić S., Attorre F., Bergmeier E., Biurrun I., Bonari G., Bruelheide H., Campos J.A., Čarni A., Chiarucci A., Ćuk M., Ćušterevska M., Didukh Y., Dítě D., Dítě Z., Dziuba T., Fanelli G., Fernández-Pascual E., Garbolino E., Gavilán R.G., Gégout J.-C., Graf U., Güler B., Hájek M., Hennekens S.M., Jandt U., Jašková A., Jiménez-Alfaro B., Julve P., Kambach S., Karger D.N., Karrer G., Kavgacı A., Knollová I., Kuzemko A., Küzmič F., Landucci F., Lengyel A., Lenoir J., Marcenò C., Moeslund J.E., Novák P., Pérez-Haase A., Peterka T., Pielech R., Pignatti A., Rašomavičius V., Rūsiņa S., Saatkamp A., Šilc U., Škvorc Ž., Theurillat J.-P., Wohlgemuth T. & Chytrý M. (2023) Ellenberg-type indicator values for European vascular plant species. Journal of Vegetation Science, 34, e13168. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.13168 The dataset contains: 1) Harmonized Ellenberg-type indicator values for light, temperature, moisture, reaction, nutrients, and salinity for European vascular plants. 2) Original indicator values from 13 datasets of Ellenberg-type indicator values: - Germany (Ellenberg & Leuschner 2010) - Austria (Karrer 1992) - Cantabrian Range (Jiménez-Alfaro et al. 2021) - Czech Republic (Chytrý et al. 2018) - European mires (Hájek et al. 2020) - France (Julve 2015) - Great Britain (Hill et al. 2000) - Greece (South Aegean) (Böhling et al. 2002) - Hungary (Borhidi 1995) - Italy (Guarino & La Rosa 2019, modified) - Saline habitats (Dítě et al. 2023) - Switzerland and the Alps (Landolt et al. 2010) - Ukraine (Didukh 2011) 3) Species nomenclature is standardized according to the Euro+Med PlantBase (http://europlusmed.org).
