

An Introduction to Multiobjective Optimization

Karthik Sindhya


Pareto optimalityEMOMCDM


Multiobjective optimization in industry has rapidly grown in importance, as it provides the possibility for a designer or an engineer to consider the problem in hand as a whole. Solution to a multiobjective optimization problem involves several optimal solutions with different trade-offs. As a result upon optimization s(he) can understand the trade-offs between different solutions and subsequently choose the most preferred solution. In this paper, we provide a bird’s eye view of the different methods available in the literature to solve multiobjective optimization problems. Specifically, in literature there exists at least two different research fields i.e. multiple criteria decision making and evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Here we present briefly an introduction to these two research fields. Thus this paper shall active as a catalyst for the growth of multiobjective optimization in diverse fields of engineering. nonPeerReviewed
