

Color-singlet states in a hadronic quark-cluster basis

Vicente VentoP. González


PhysicsQuarkTheoretical physicsBasis (linear algebra)Quantum mechanicsHadronAntisymmetryDegrees of freedom (physics and chemistry)Elementary particleWave functionAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsDirect product


We prove that any physical (color-singlet) state can be expanded in terms of a basis constructed by direct product from baryonic and/or mesonic states. The proof is based on a group-theoretical representation method due to Hund. The application of the procedure to the color degrees of freedom leads to known results, which we generalize to more complex situations. The joint application of the method to the color and flavor degrees of freedom results in our initial statement. In this way one is able to give physical meaning to a mathematical procedure. The physics behind our calculation is intimately connected with the concepts of elementarity of constituents and the spinstatistics theorem. The hypothesis that leads to our result, is that physical states are color singlets and the antisymmetry of the total wave function.
