

Proper identities, Lie identities and exponential codimension growth

Mikhail ZaicevAntonino Giambruno


Discrete mathematicsSequencePure mathematicsAlgebra and Number TheoryZero (complex analysis)CodimensionExponential functionPolynomial identitiesIntegerpolynomial identity codimensionsExponentCodimension growthExterior algebraAssociative propertyMathematics


Abstract The exponent exp ( A ) of a PI-algebra A in characteristic zero is an integer and measures the exponential rate of growth of the sequence of codimensions of A [A. Giambruno, M. Zaicev, On codimension growth of finitely generated associative algebras, Adv. Math. 140 (1998) 145–155; A. Giambruno, M. Zaicev, Exponential codimension growth of P.I. algebras: An exact estimate, Adv. Math. 142 (1999) 221–243]. In this paper we study the exponential rate of growth of the sequences of proper codimensions and Lie codimensions of an associative PI-algebra. We prove that the corresponding proper exponent exists for all PI-algebras, except for some algebras of exponent two strictly related to the Grassmann algebra. We also prove that the Lie exponent exists for any finitely generated PI-algebra. The value of both exponents is always equal to exp ( A ) or exp ( A ) − 1 .
