

Application of business process management methods in higher education institutes

L. A. TaskymbayevaAijaz A. ShaikhR. A. Salimbayeva


higher education institutionsliiketoimintaprosessitR&Dliikkeenjohtotutkimus- ja kehittämistoimintabusiness processkorkeakoulutmanagementkorkeakouluopetusinnovaatiot


The purpose of the research is to examine the business processes management practices taking place in higher education institutions concerning research and development, management of international relations, and make recommendations for improving the methods relating to business processes management in higher education institutions. Methodology. This research is based on general scientific methods and tools, including statistical analysis, comparison, and survey. In total, 31 faculty and staff members of the university in Kazakhstan participated in the study. The data collected were unified and presented in the article. Originality / value of the research. Understanding the opinion of the faculty and staff members toward business process management methods in the research field will contribute to identifying topical problems in the business process management followed in higher education institutions, thereby assisting in solving these problems and giving effective recommendations which can help improve strategic management in the higher education institutions. Findings – We found that conducting scientific research, and improving relations with other universities has drawbacks that resulted in inefficient research output in higher education institutions. Moreover, less motivated faculty members and ineffective use of the research facilities result in the market of educational services. peerReviewed
