

The role of daily autonomous and controlled educational goals in students’ academic emotion states: An experience sampling method approach

Katariina Salmela-aroKatariina Salmela-aroJulia MoellerJulia DietrichKirsti LonkaKirsti LonkaElina Ketonen


itsemäärääminenExperience sampling methodLongitudinal dataself-determination theory050109 social psychologyContext (language use)Structural equation modelingEducationeducational goalstunteetDevelopmental and Educational Psychology0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesautonomous and controlled motivationta515Self-determination theorymotivaatioexperience sampling method4. Educationautonomiaacademic emotions05 social sciences050301 educationtavoitteetopiskeluDeci-516 Educational sciencesPsychology0503 educationSocial psychology


The present study examines antecedents of university students' academic emotions (Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, & Perry, 2002) in the context of self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985; 2000), using realtime assessment and intra-individual analyses. We investigated whether daily autonomous and controlled-motivated educational goals predicted students' academic emotions. University students (N = 55) completed smartphone diaries over 14 consecutive days. The two-week intensive longitudinal data were organized in a hierarchical three-level structure, with situations (Level 1) nested within days (Level 2) nested within students (Level 3). Students' goal motivation was assessed in morning questionnaires, and academic emotions in three daytime questionnaires. The results of the multilevel structural equation models showed that setting self-determined autonomous educational goals predicted positive emotions, whereas controlled motivation predicted negative emotions in everyday academic situations, applying both to within-person processes and between-person differences. Both kinds of goal motivation, autonomous and controlled, were associated with determination in students' daily lives. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Peer reviewed
