

Effects of paper mill effluents on the fish fauna of stony shores of Lake Päijänne

L. HakkariP. Bagge


PerchbiologyEcologyStone loachFaunaFishingMinnowbiology.organism_classificationGeographybiology.animalLittoral zoneSpecies richnesscomputerPikecomputer.programming_language


The fish fauna of the stony littoral in the central parts of L. Paijanne was studied by electric fishing on four occasions during 1988–1989. Ten fish species and 1681 individuals (14.5 kg) were caught in the 15 fishing sites (4096 m2) which gives a mean density of 0.41 ind. m-2 and biomass of 3.5 g m-2. Effluent from two large paper mills causes a clear zonation of the fish fauna in the area. In the most polluted shores, only burbot and perch occurred regularly and the reproduction of other species was inhibited. In the semipolluted area (5–15 km from the Kaipola paper mill), burbot and stone loach occurred regularly, but owing to low numbers of perch and bullhead the total densities were usually low. The ‘clean’ shores were characterized by an abundance of stone loach and bullhead and locally also of minnow, which seemed to be very sensitive to pollution. The strong floods during summer 1988 had positive effects on the reproduction of perch and pike, but the densities of other species were highest during the ‘normal’ water level in autumn 1989.
