

Electronic structure of p-type ultraviolet-transparent conducting CuScO2 films

Javier López-solanoS. GillilandAlfredo SeguraAlfonso MuñozPlácida Rodríguez-hernándezJulio Pellicer-porresJuan F. Sánchez-royo


Absorption spectroscopyChemistryBand gapbusiness.industryMetals and AlloysSurfaces and InterfacesElectronic structureengineering.materialMolecular physicsMolecular electronic transitionSurfaces Coatings and FilmsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsDelafossiteOpticsMaterials ChemistryDensity of statesengineeringbusinessElectronic band structureUltraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy


Abstract We investigate the electronic structure of CuScO 2 thin films grown on sapphire and mica substrates by pulsed laser deposition. X-ray diffraction and microanalysis confirm that the films have the expected delafossite crystal structure and stoichiometric proportions. The electronic structure is investigated by means of X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy. Electronic states in the range 0–1350 eV are identified, making reference to theoretical density-of-states calculations up to 80 eV. Photoelectron spectra near the Fermi energy confirm the p-character of the films. Optical absorption spectroscopy shows that the films are transparent up to 3.7 eV and exhibit an intense excitonic peak, with a direct gap energy of 4.24 ± 0.05 eV at room temperature. Ab initio band structure calculations confirm the direct character of CuScO 2 and allow for an assignment of the direct gap to an electronic transition at the L point of the rhombohedral Brillouin zone.
