

Empowering Translation of New Ideas - A EIT Health ClinMed Summer School Overview

Isabelle MarqueDimitrios I. ZeugolisSofia RibeiroLionel PazartSylvia PelayoAlbert Von Der LiethMariachiara RicciYves Bayon


Medical deviceEuropean community4. EducationClinMed Summer SchoolLibrary science02 engineering and technology010402 general chemistry021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology01 natural sciencesCategorical grantInnovation by Design0104 chemical sciencesMarie curieWork (electrical)Medical DeviceTrainingSociologyEIT Health0210 nano-technology


Translational research training is crucial to convert academic research ideas into efficient real-life solutions. In this paper a summer school supported by EIT Health is presented. Its main goal is to integrate clinical knowledge in the development of new medical devices, from ideas to post-market approval, in the clinics. Students were immersed in clinical centres where they had close contacts and engaged discussions with clinicians and patients to identify and assimilate clinical unmet needs. From this immersive stage resulted innovative solutions that were further investigated with the support of plenary lectures and by interaction with experts of the medical field, from clinicians to Medtech company representatives. This experience proved to have a positive impact on the student’s understanding of the clinical development life cycle from research findings or new ideas into medical devices. This work received funding from EIT-Health campus call (Project Grant Agreement n°18497). This research was supported by a Marie Curie ITN fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme (Grant Number: 676338). Not peer reviewed
