

Needs and preferences of women with prior severe preeclampsia regarding app-based cardiovascular health promotion

Lili L. KókaiMarte F. Van Der BijlMartin S. HaggerDiarmaid T. Ó CeallaighKirsten I.m. RohdeHans Van KippersluisAlex BurdorfJohannes J. DuvekotJeanine E. Roeters Van LennepAnne I. Wijtzes


Maleand promotion of well-beingnaisetcardiovascular health promotionmieltymyksettarpeetHealth BehaviorReproductive health and childbirthNursingHealth PromotionCardiovascularterveyden edistäminenPaediatrics and Reproductive MedicinepreeclampsiaPre-EclampsiaSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-beingClinical ResearchPregnancyBehavioral and Social SciencemobiilisovelluksetHumansObstetrics & Reproductive Medicineneeds and preferences assessmentNutritionPreventionObstetrics and GynecologyGeneral MedicinePrevention of disease and conditionsMobile ApplicationsStrokeGood Health and Well Beingintervention designReproductive Medicinepre-eklampsiaterveyskäyttäytyminenHypertensionPublic Health and Health Servicessydän- ja verisuonitauditinterventiohoito3.1 Primary prevention interventions to modify behaviours or promote wellbeingFemaleSugars


Abstract Background Women with prior severe preeclampsia are at an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases later in life compared to women who had a normotensive pregnancy. The objective of this study was to assess their needs and preferences regarding app-based cardiovascular health promotion. Methods Patients (n = 35) of the Follow-Up PreEClampsia Outpatient Clinic (FUPEC), Erasmus MC, the Netherlands, participated in an anonymous online survey. The main outcomes under study were women’s needs for health behavior promotion, and their preferences with respect to intervention delivery. Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate needs, and thematic analysis was used to analyze preferences. Results Women’s primary need for health behavior promotion pertained to their fat and sugar intake and physical activity; for some, to their mental health (practices), fruit and vegetable intake, salt intake, and water intake; and for a few, to their alcohol and tobacco use. Most women preferred an app-based intervention to include, in descending order: the tracking of health-related metrics, an interactive platform, the use of behavior change strategies, the provision of information, and personalization. Conclusion Cardiovascular health promotion targeting women with prior severe preeclampsia should feel relevant to its audience. App-based interventions are likely to be well received if they target fat and sugar intake and physical activity. These interventions should preferably track health-related metrics, be interactive, contain behavior change strategies, provide information, and be personalized. Adopting these findings during intervention design could potentially increase uptake, behavior change, and behavior change maintenance in this population.
