

Identification of subdominant sourdough lactic acid bacteria and their evolution during laboratory-scale fermentations

Giovanna SuzziAldo CorsettiSara ValmorriLuca SettanniMario Mastrangelo


GenotypeColony Count MicrobialLactobacillus sanfranciscensisMicrobiologyMicrobiologychemistry.chemical_compoundSpecies SpecificityRNA Ribosomal 16Sco-fermentazioni batteri lattici sottodominantiMultiplex polymerase chain reactionPediococcusTypingPhylogenybiologyfood and beveragesBreadHydrogen-Ion Concentrationbiology.organism_classificationRandom Amplified Polymorphic DNA TechniqueRAPDLactic acidLactobacillusRNA BacterialPhenotypechemistryFermentationFood MicrobiologyFermentationEnterococcusBacteriaFood ScienceEnterococcus faecium


Abstract Presumptive lactic acid bacterial cocci were found in six sourdoughs (out of 20) from the Abruzzo region (central Italy) and subjected to phenotypic and genotypic characterization. A total of 21 isolates, recognized as seven strains by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)–polymerase chain reaction (PCR) typing, were identified by a polyphasic approach, consisting of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, multiplex PCR assays and physiological features, as Enterococcus faecium and Pediococcus pentosaceus. Four strains belonging to those species and previously isolated from wheat kernels were inoculated in sterile flour to verify their capacity to grow in sourdough environment. Doughs with several dual bacterial combinations, including Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis, were propagated for 11 days and pH measurements and bacterial counts were carried out.
