

Environmentally Relevant Properties of All 209 Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners for Modeling Their Fate in Different Natural and Climatic Conditions

Seija SinkkonenJaakko Paasivirta


PollutantAqueous solutionChemistryVapor pressureStereochemistryGeneral Chemical EngineeringEnthalpy of fusionPolychlorinated biphenylGeneral ChemistryBiodegradationPartition coefficientchemistry.chemical_compoundEnvironmental chemistrySolubility


The temperature dependence of physical properties and degradation lifetimes in the environment of all polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners (N = 209) were determined. For physical properties, the coefficients A and B in equations log(property) = A(property) − B(property)/T(K) were determined by thermodynamic and QSPR methods and compared with the results of independent methods in the literature. The coefficients Apl and Bpl for liquid state vapor pressure PL, As and Bs for solubility in water SW, Ah and Bh for volatility kH (or kH = PL/SW), and Aow and Bow for lipophilicity (KOW), stored in the database of the fate model program, allowed automatic temperature corrections for realistic fate and exposure modeling at variable environmental conditions. Half-lives HL(i) for degradation in compartments air (i = 1), water (2), soil/plants (3), and sediment (4) were determined by combination of the photolysis and biodegradation rates (from the literature) at one reference temperature (mostly 25 °C). Examples o...
