

Employee Rhetoric in the Acceptance or Rejection of Corporate Environmentalism

Tiina Onkila


Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Managementrhetoricmedia_common.quotation_subjectCorporate environmentalismcorporate responsibilityyritysvastuu0502 economics and businesstyöntekijätrahoitusalaRhetorical questionympäristövastuuSociologyfinancial sectorta512General Environmental Sciencemedia_commonjustificationenvironmental responsibilityfinanssialabusiness.industryoikeutus05 social sciencesPublic relationsretoriikkaemployeesRhetoriccorporate environmentalism050211 marketingbusiness050203 business & managementQualitative research


This study explores how employees in a Finnish financial company use rhetorical strategies to accept or reject corporate environmentalism. It is based on a qualitative study in which face-to-face interviews were conducted among 30 employees. The study shows how employees rejected corporate environmentalism by dissociating their employer from polluters or by dissociating environmental values from other values in the financial business. It also shows how they accepted corporate environmentalism by associating it with other business virtues and by associating the employer with polluters. The study identifies rhetorical strategies as a means for employees to construct an understanding of corporate environmentalism, and of whether or not it is a part of their organization’s responsibilities. The results highlight a need to manage corporate environmentalism processes so that the focus is on finding diverse meanings instead of on promoting a single, organization-wide meaning for corporate environmentalism in a top-down manner.
