

Inquiétants dépaysements. Les voyages mélancoliques de Germaine de Staël (1803-1814)

Stéphanie Genand


[SHS.ANTHRO-SE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnologyautobiographie Coppet[SHS.LITT]Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureStaël (Germaine de)[SHS.ANTHRO-SE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnology[SHS.GENRE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Gender studiesinterior difference[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Literaturedépaysement[SHS.HIST] Humanities and Social Sciences/HistoryCoppet[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences[SHS.HIST]Humanities and Social Sciences/History[SHS.GENRE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Gender studiesautobiographyaltérité intérieuredésorientation


The Coppet group, a circle of thinkers around 1800, put displacement and the crossing of borders at the heart of its productions. Born out of a sense of national disaffiliation, the group plays a founding experimental role for the consciousness of the subject in travel narratives. Soliciting travel as much in the exploration of a country as in philosophy and knowledge, Germaine de Staël's De l'Allemagne is both a travel narrative and a metaphysical breviary. In a tone close to autobiography, the author observes an inner region rather than a foreign country.
