

The $\mathsf{g_{\scriptscriptstyle J}}$ -factor in the ground state of Ca $^\mathsf{+}$

Günter WerthT. PfeilJ. P. DesclauxG. TommaseoPaul IndelicatoG. Revalde


Physicssymbols.namesakeZeeman effectCyclotron resonanceCenter (category theory)symbolsResonanceElectronAtomic physicsGround statePenning trapAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsIon


We have determined the $g_{\scriptscriptstyle J}$ -factor of the Ca + ion in the electronic 4S1/2 ground state on a cloud of ions confined in a Penning trap with a superimposed magnetic field of 1.43 T. We use a c.w. laser to prepare a Zeeman substate by optical pumping and induce $\Delta m_J=1$ transitions by a resonant microwave field at 40 GHz. Resonance is detected by a change in the fluorescence intensity originating from the ion cloud. We obtain a full width in the resonance of a few kHz and the fractional uncertainty of the line center, taking the average of several measurements, was 4 x 10-8. After calibrating the magnetic field by the cyclotron frequency of electrons stored in the same trap we obtain as result $g_{\scriptscriptstyle J}=2.002 256 64(9)$ . The result is supported by a relativistic Multi-Configurational Dirac-Fock calculation.
