

Achievements and Perspectives in the Search for Super Heavy Elements

Dieter Ackermann


Nuclear physicsPhysicsNuclear structureSeparator (oil production)Transactinide elementHeavy ionAtomic numberDecay chainLinear particle acceleratorOrder of magnitude


The elements with the atomic numbers 107-112 have been synthesized and unambiguously identified at the velocity filter SHIP at GSI. The technique allowing for this successful experimental program is the combination of the detection of correlations between evaporation residues and subsequent a-decays with a powerful separator. The sensitivity limit of the set-up at GSI has reached the lpb level. For systematic investigation in this region of extremely low cross section and to synthesize nuclei of higher Z this limit has to be pushed to even lower values. An extensive development program is pursued at SHIP in order to reach at least an order of magnitude lower cross sections. Apart from target cooling and separator development a super conducting CW linear accelerator is studied to reach this goal. To design a successful experimental program for the possible discovery of new elements the nuclear structure of the heaviest nuclei has to be understood as well as the reaction mechanism which leads to their production in heavy ion reactions. We have initiated series of systematic studies for both subjects.
