

Revisión de la Literatura sobre la Toma de Decisiones Éticas en Organizaciones

María Del P RodríguezManuel GuillénDavid A. Díez-gómez


Tree of Science (ToS)Web of scienceéticaStrategy and ManagementGeotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geologyética organizacionalIndustrial and Manufacturing EngineeringComputer Science ApplicationsGeneral Energyrealismo integral complejotransdisciplinariotoma de decisiones éticasSociologyHumanitiesFood Science


espanolEste articulo revisa la literatura sobre el tema de toma de decisiones eticas en organizaciones, para establecer sus niveles de integracion disciplinar, enfoques teoricos y metodos dominantes. Con ese fin, se combino la busqueda sistematica con la narrativa. La sistematica se baso en referencias extraidas de Web of Science (WoS), analizadas mediante la plataforma Tree of Science (ToS) para identificar redes de citacion. La narrativa se apoyo en el analisis de referencias complementarias a traves del programa Gephi. La literatura se clasifico en tres niveles de dialogo disciplinar: 1) Importacion conceptual; 2) Reciprocidad teorica; y 3) Unidad teorica. Se concluye que la escasez de estudios basados en unidad teorica, enfoques integrativos y metodologias mixtas, justifica realizar investigaciones desde una vision mas transdisciplinar del conocimiento y la practica de la toma de decisiones. En esa via, se propone recurrir al realismo integral complejo como ruta para desarrollar la necesaria vision transdisciplinar de las Decisiones Eticas en Organizaciones. EnglishThis paper reviews the literature on ethical decision making in organizations, to establish its levels of disciplinary integration, as well as its more notorious theoretical and methodological approaches. To that end, systematic and narrative analysis were combined. The systematic review was based on references obtained from the Web of Science (WoS), which were analyzed through the Tree of Science (ToS) platform to identify citation networks. The narrative review was based on the analysis of complementary references through Gephi. The literature was classified into three levels of disciplinary dialogue: 1) Conceptual importation; 2) Theoretical reciprocity; and 3) Theoretical unity. It is concluded that the lack of studies grounded in theoretical unity, integrated and mixed approaches, justifies the development of studies based on a more transdisciplinary vision of decision-making theory and practice. Hence, it is proposed to resort to complex integral realism, as a promising route to develop the required transdisciplinary vision of Ethical Decision Making.
