

The Role of Teacher Closeness in Emotions and Achievement for Adolescents With and Without Learning Difficulties

Petra J. SainioKenneth M. EklundEija K. PakarinenNoona Kiuru


oppimisympäristövuorovaikutuseducationacademic emotionsachievementtransitionat riskopettajatbehavioral disciplines and activitiesoppilaatEducationBehavioral Neuroscienceoppimisvaikeudetteacher closenesstunteetGeneral Health Professionsmental disorderslukutaitoläheisyyskirjoitustaitomatemaattiset taidotteacherlearning difficultiesopettaja-oppilassuhde


Student–teacher relationships are crucial for adolescents’ adjustment in the school context. The aim of the present study was to examine the role of teacher closeness in academic emotions and achievement among adolescents with and without learning difficulties during the first year in lower secondary school. Students’ learning difficulties (LDs) were identified based on tested reading and math skills. In addition, students evaluated their teacher relationships and rated academic emotions in literacy and math domains. The results indicated that higher teacher closeness was related to increasing positive emotions and increasing literacy achievement during seventh grade, whereas lower levels of teacher closeness were associated with increasing learning-related anger and boredom. The results were mostly similar for students with and without LDs, which indicates that students in general benefit from close teacher relationships during the first year in lower secondary school.
