Linguaggio meta teatrale dalla tragedia alla commedia. ‘Spectator in fabula2’
Daniela Avernasubject
metateatroSettore L-FIL-LET/04 - Lingua E Letteratura Latinadescription
Unlike the modern theatre of Shakespeare first and Pirandello later, in which all the characters,at the moment when they are 'roles', are spectators of themselves, in fusion and confusion of the stage with the the audience, of the actors with the spectators, in ancient theatre,Greek and Latin,tough we do not find the actor/spectator,nevertheless he is present in a sense as inventor of the fabula, that is to say of the microdrama that is placed,'mise en abyme',inside the hosting play.Also spectators of the fabula are the actors without 'roles'in the recital.Paradigmatic in this sense are Sophocles'Philoctetes,Menander'Aspis and Plautus'Persa,Pseudolus,Miles Gloriosus.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2011-01-01 |