

How Is Gamification Perceived in Health and Wellness Technology Companies : Views from Four Companies of Different Size

Kari TuomasLauri FrankMakkonen MarkusPanu Moilanen


pelillistämineninterviewwellness technologyhealth technologycompanies


Technological development has facilitated new innovations in several fields, and the emergence of novel devices as well as software products and services is constant. Health and wellness is a field where the development of technology for various purposes has truly boosted. In the growing competition, companies are constantly seeking ways to better engage people with their offered products and services. One potential and increasingly used way to do this is gamification. However, even though the number of academic studies on gamification has increased, there is still relatively little research available on the perceptions of companies regarding the use of gamification in their offerings. In this study, we investigate the perceptions that companies operating in the field of health and wellness technology have regarding gamification and its use. The study is based on interviews conducted with four companies of different size. The study provides valuable new knowledge on the perceptions and use of gamification in companies operating in the health and wellness technology business. The findings indicate that the familiarity of gamification varies between companies, but gamification is seen to possess significant potential for engaging users to use the companies’ products and services. In general, while the interviewed companies are aiming to develop and implement gamified features into their offerings, they do not posses a clear vision on how to actually do this. The findings are discussed and practical implications presented. peerReviewed
