

Quantification de l’ablation d’un bassin versant marno-calcaire alpin durant le Petit Age Glaciaire par l’étude d’un système lacustre (cas du lac du « Claps » de Luc-en-Diois Drôme, France)

Jean-françois BuoncristianiChristophe PetitMichel CampyGilles BossuetHervé Richard


Production sédimentaire[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryClimateClimatSediment yieldDenudationSismique réflexion[SHS]Humanities and Social SciencesDénudationLittle Ice Age[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesPetit Age GlaciaireSeismic reflection


Measurements of present-day erosion may give heterogeneous results according to the methods used. This article proposes an approach to erosion during the Little Ice Age by the quantitative analysis of detritical materials trapped in a dammed lake. This infill is recognized through two drillings, and these specific observations are supplemented by a seismic reflexion survey which provided a reliable estimate of the geometry of the lake infill. The sedimentary production is calculated from three pieces of data: (1) the surface of the drainage area, (2) duration of the lake system activity and (3) the volume of trapped sediments. From the three determined variables, we propose a detritical production sedimentary rate of 1846 ± 145 tonnes/km2/year, which represents a mean denudation of 0.68 ± 0.05 mm/year. The importance of a hydro-climatic and anthropic forcing on the sedimentary production during the Little Ice Age is emphasized by this study.
