

Young Innovative Companies and Access to Subsidies

Belén Ribeiro-navarreteNorat Roig-tiernoAlicia Mas-tur


EntrepreneurshipQualitative comparative analysisSubsidyRegression analysisBusinessMarketingIndustrial policyIndustrial organization


Young innovative companies (YICs) are becoming increasingly prominent in the debate on industrial policy because of their role as drivers of industry and the economy. The aim of this research was to determine which variables associated with the entrepreneur and the creation of YICs enable access to public entrepreneurship policies. This analysis compared Mas-Tur and Simon-Moya’s (2015) results (obtained using regression analysis) with results yielded by Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Using the QCA methodology, we identified causal configurations that lead companies to receive subsidies, or conversely, that lead companies not to receive subsidies. We thus observed differences in findings obtained using these two techniques.
