

End-of-life and waste management of disposable beverage cups.

Giulia InfurnaFrancesca D'annaNadka Tz. Dintcheva


Environmental Engineering010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciencesWaste managementSettore CHIM/06 - Chimica Organica010501 environmental sciences01 natural sciencesPollutionModern lifeIncinerationEnergy recoverySettore ING-IND/22 - Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materialibio-based polymerEnvironmental ChemistryProduction (economics)BusinessOxidation processpetroleum based polymerWaste managementWaste Management and Disposal0105 earth and related environmental sciencesRenewable resource


Different human activities have caused and currently cause catastrophic environmental phenomena, and unfortunately, a significant negative contribution to these catastrophic phenomena can be attributed to uncontrolled plastic production, use and release everywhere. On the other hand, the plastics offer numerous comforts and advantages, and for this reason, the modern life is unthinkable without plastic. Currently, numerous scientific papers and large audience advertisings, related to the production and use of polymers made by natural sources, i.e. bio-based polymers, as a valid alternative to the petroleum-based counterparts, have been published. Therefore, for production of daily disposables and usages, the choice of petroleum-based polymers, coming from fossil-based resources, or bio-based polymers, coming from renewable resources, can be correctly understood and evaluated taking into account different issues concerning resources supplying, production technology and costs, application properties and performance, and finally, waste management. Current paper is focused on a reflection point related to waste management through burning/incineration (i.e. oxidation) of disposable beverage cups (volume 200 ml). The simple calculations of oxidation process of petrol-based or bio-based materials, which is the theoretical basis of waste management through burning/incineration, highlights that none of cup materials, can be considered better than the others to produce daily disposables and usages.
