

Electron spectroscopy with the SAGE spectrometer

Juha Sorri


instrumentationspektroskopiaspektrometritelectron spectroscopyelektronitmittaustekniikka¹⁵⁴Smspektrometriaydinreaktiot¹⁹⁴Pomittauslaitteetsamariumydinfysiikkapolonium


A device called the SAGE (Silicon And GErmanium) spectrometer, designed for in-beam electron spectroscopy, is introduced in this work. A detailed description to the technical aspects of the device is given along with several examples of analytical procedures related to work done with the device. The radial ltering method and veto/add-back algorithms are tools for improving the quality of the electron-gamma data whilst the time-gate selection procedure helps in determining absolute internal conversion coe cients without reference points. Two very di erent types of experiments with results obtained from the electron data are introduced and analysed. Coulomb excitation is used to probe 154Sm and a more typical fusion-evaporation reaction is used to produce 194Po. The 154Sm study is serves mainly for introduce the new analysis methods and no gains are made when compared to other recent works on this isotope. In the 194Po analysis, despite some experimental pitfalls, the mystery regarding the doublets in the electron spectrum measured with SACRED is solved and a possible extension to the known level scheme of 194Po is given.
