

L’opera del premio Nobel Giulio Natta fra le attività della Società Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze (SIPS) e della Società Chimica Italiana (SCI): alcune note ed osservazioni storico-critiche

Giuseppe Iurato


[SHS.HISPHILSO]Humanities and Social Sciences/History Philosophy and Sociology of Sciences[SHS.HISPHILSO] Humanities and Social Sciences/History Philosophy and Sociology of SciencesSIPS Volterra Natta polipropilene


In spite of its great historical and social-institutional importance, the Italian Society for the Progress of Sciences (SIPS) still have not that historical fame which it would deserve. This paper wishes to contribute to delineate a brief historic-critical account which may provide a coherent diachronic perspective in which historically laid out such an institution, highlighting the relevant load that it has had for the cultural, scientific and technological development of the post-Resurgence Italy. From this historical recognition, it will be then possible to descry a more or less direct role played by SIPS, around the first half of 20th Century, as concerns the research activity of the Italian Chemistry Nobel laureate Giulio Natta. This also thanks to the historiographical evidence for a non-negligible structural and cultural role played by SIPS in the institutional formation and promotion of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) and other affine institutions, around which Natta and co-workers work has grown up. At the same time, a brief but meaningful historical framework of 20th Century Italian chemical research and industry will be sketched too, thanks to which it also will be possible to make a final comparison with the figure and work of Enrico Mattei.
