

Heredity and obesity-associated hypertension: impact of hormonal characteristics and left ventricular mass. J Hypertens

G. LicataRosario ScaglioneCorrao SalvatoreA. GanguzzaG. MazzolaS. ArnoneM. DichiaraAnna LicataG. MerlinoTiziana Di Chiara


Obesity Hypertension Family genetics renin-angiotensin systemSettore MED/09 - Medicina InternaSettore MED/45 - Scienze Infermieristiche Generali Cliniche E PediatricheSettore MED/11 - Malattie Dell'Apparato Cardiovascolare


OBJECTIVES: To investigate the influence of heredity on obesity-associated hypertension, we evaluated casual and 24-h blood pressure, left ventricular mass and some metabolic and hormonal measurements in normotensive obese subjects. DESIGN: Healthy, normotensive obese subjects (n = 81) with positive or negative family history of hypertension were studied. Both groups were also subdivided according to a positive or a negative family history of obesity. Accordingly, 45 obese subjects had a positive family history of hypertension, 25 of these having a positive (subgroup A) and 20 having a negative family history of obesity (subgroup B). The other 36 obese subjects had a negative family history of hypertension, 19 of these having a positive (subgroup C) and 17 having a negative family history of obesity (subgroup D). METHODS: Casual and 24-h systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean blood pressure (MBP) were evaluated. Serum fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol and triglycerides levels, urinary excretion of sodium, immunoreactive fasting insulin, plasma ANF levels, plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma aldosterone level, plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline levels and echocardiographic total left ventricular mass (LVM) and LVM:height ratio were also calculated. RESULTS: Twenty-four-hour DBP, 24-h MBP, LVM, LVM:height ratio, total cholesterol and PRA values were significantly higher in normotensive obese offspring of hypertensive parents than in obese offspring of normotensive parents. Twenty-four-hour DBP and MBP, LVM, LVM:height ratio, insulin level, insulin:glucose ratio and PRA were significantly higher in subgroup A than in subgroup B. Fasting blood sugar level, 24-h DBP and MBP, insulin level, insulin:glucose ratio, PRA, noradrenaline, adrenaline and plasma aldosterone levels were significantly higher in subgroup C than in subgroup D. Multivariate analysis also indicated that 24-h MBP and PRA levels were significantly influenced by the association between a positive family history of hypertension and obesity. CONCLUSIONS: The present results suggest that a family history of obesity might increase the risk of developing hypertension in obese subjects. An elevated PRA may precede the development of hypertension in obese subjects who are at risk for developing hypertension.
