

Nature and origin of fault-controlled fluid seepage across the Maltese Islands

Spatola D.Micallef A.Italiano F.D’amico S.Caracausi A.Pascale F.Facchin L.Petronio L.Coren F.Blanos R.Pavan A.Paganini P.Sapiano M.Schembri M.


Environmental managementSettore GEO/02 - Geologia Stratigrafica E SedimentologicaHydrology -- MaltaGeotechnical engineering -- MaltaSeepage faultHydrogeology -- Malta


The Maltese Islands are intersected by two major fault systems associated with two diverse rifting episodes affect the islands. The first and most widespread system is Early Miocene to mid-Pliocene in age, and consists of faults that are orientated ENE-WSW. The most distinct of these faults is the Great Fault (known also as the Victoria Lines Fault). The younger system of faults (Late Miocene-Early Pliocene) is still active and consists of faults striking NW to SE that often cross-cut the first generation of faults. The most extensive of these faults is the Maghlaq Fault, located along the southern coastline of the Maltese Islands.
