

La prueba de acceso a la Universidad como reguladora del proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje de Historia

María Del Mar Bernabé Villodre


PedagogySpecialtyLegislationPsychologyTest (assessment)


In Spain, the students of second year of Bachillerato are in a moment complicated by the pressures that the University Access Test (PAU) and the cut note to access to the specialty of their liking. This situation leads to the teachers of this educational stage to consider the need to adapt to the parameters of the said access examination, with the intention that the results of the same improve and the students can access the desired specialty.  From this consideration, in a center of the province of Alicante, the subject of History of Spain was oriented to the passing of the examination of access to the university, and it was possible to verify a very significant improvement of the grades with respect to the qualifications obtained previously, with a more traditional system that did not follow the model of examination established for the PAU by the current legislation. This methodology made it possible to improve the individual and global grades of the center, in addition to showing that it is essential to establish the same evaluation mechanisms in Bachillerato as in the University Access Tests, in order to provide coherence in this preparation of access to the college. Keywords: History of Spain, teaching History, High School, PAU.
