

Digital strategic communication through digital media-arenas

Mark BadhamVilma Luoma-ahoChiara ValentiniLaura Lumimaa


yhteisöviestintäviestintästrategiatsosiaalinen mediauusmediaulkoinen viestintä


Digital technologies have empowered an increasingly participatory communication environment that challenges the ability of organizations to maintain control over their messages. In this new environment, stakeholders not only receive these messages through organizational digital media, which this chapter argues are typically understood as transmission channels, they also are able to re-interpret and re-communicate these messages across multiple participatory, omni-directional digital arenas seemingly beyond organizational strategic control. This chapter examines the tension in strategic communication between a traditional message-controlling approach through digital media and a more nuanced message-facilitating approach in participatory digital arenas. It addresses this challenge by proposing a framework of Digital Media-Arenas (DMA) to assist strategic communicators in navigating the conflicting digital terrain where stakeholders reign. Drawing on the PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared and Owned) model, the framework incorporates newer forms of communication such as Advocated, Rented, Hijacked and Searched DMA. Implications of this framework are discussed. peerReviewed
