

Towards a physically more active lifestyle based on one's own values: study design of a randomized controlled trial for physically inactive adults

Anu Maarit KangasniemiJanne KulmalaHarto HakonenRaimo LappalainenTuija TammelinAnna Kankaanpää


GerontologyAdultMalemedicine.medical_treatmenthyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiaEffectivenessPersonal SatisfactionAcceptance and commitment therapyMeaningful lifePsychological well-beinglaw.inventionStudy ProtocolRandomized controlled trialPsykologinen hyvinvointilawSurveys and QuestionnairesmedicineHumansAdultsBehaviourAcceptance and Commitment TherapykäyttäytyminenExerciseaikuisetSedentary lifestyleHOTMotivationCognitive Behavioral Therapybusiness.industryPhysical activitytuloksellisuusPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthFlexibility (personality)Middle AgedvaikuttavuusACTPsychological well-beingCognitive therapyFemaleBiostatisticsSedentary BehaviorbusinessAttitude to Healthfyysinen aktiivisuus


Background This randomised controlled trial demonstrates the effectiveness of a value-based intervention program to encourage a physically more active lifestyle among physically inactive adults aged 30 to 50 years. The conceptual framework of the program is based on an innovative behavioural therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that aims to increase an individual’s psychological flexibility and support behaviour change towards a higher quality and more meaningful life. Methods Participants will be randomly allocated to a feedback group (FB) or an Acceptance and Commitment based (ACT + FB) group. Both the groups will receive written feedback about their objectively measured physical activity levels and offered an opportunity to attend a body composition analysis. In addition, the Acceptance and Commitment based group will attend six group sessions and be given a pedometer for self-monitoring of their daily physical activity throughout the 9-week intervention. The group sessions aim to clarify individual values and enhance committed actions towards the goal of achieving a more meaningful life. Participants will also be taught new skills to work on subjective barriers related to physical activity. Physical activity will be measured objectively by an accelerometer over seven consecutive days and by self-reported questionnaires at the baseline, as well as at 3, 6, 9 and 15 months after the baseline measures. In addition, psychological well-being will be measured through the questionnaires, which assess mindfulness skills, psychological flexibility, psychological distress and depressive symptoms. Discussion This study’s objective is to demonstrate a research protocol for a randomized controlled study motivating a physically more active lifestyle based on one’s own values among physically inactive adults. The aim of the study is to evaluate the feasibility and intervention efficacy on physical activity and psychological well-being, and discuss challenges in motivating physically inactive adults towards physically more active lifestyles. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01796990.
