

Kliszczacka muzyka. O współczesnej sprawczości dawnych ludoznawczych etykiet


repertuar muzycznymusic repertoiremuzykamusical sourcesźródła muzycznemusicKliszczak GoralsKliszczacytożsamośćidentity


Kliszczak Gorals are among the least known and most understudied Polish Goral communities. Research into the musical traditions of the areas they inhabit is even more modest. In the article, an attempt is made to determine whether the distinctiveness of this ethnographic group – established by 19th-century ethnographers based on an artifact of material culture, namely a characteristic detail on the trousers of male folk costume – has also ever manifested itself in music. I rely on my own field research, conducted in the years 2010–2017, mainly among organizers of folk culture, singers, folk music bands and regional music bands in the Kliszczak area, which I in accordance with ethnographic literature, as well as the sense of regional identity of my informants. An important aim of the article is to answer the question of how to define Kliszczak music, the Kliszczak repertoire, the limits of the Kliszczak area, the very term “Kliszczak Gorals”, and how these definitions relate to historical sources, such as Oskar Kolberg’s observations in Góry i Podgórze [The Moutains and the Foothills] parts I and II, published as two volumes of his Dzieła Wszystkie [Complete Works], manuscripts and typescripts from the collection of the Seweryn Udziela Ethnographic Museum in Kraków and recordings and minutes from the Nationwide Fieldwork Collection of Musical Folklore stored at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.
