La costruzione del paesaggio ibleo: reti deboli, segni forti
Zaira BaroneMaria Rosaria VitaleSalvatore Giuffridasubject
dry stone walls Hyblean landscape rural architecture landscape axiology evaluation valorisation policy.Settore ICAR/19 - Restaurodescription
The contribution deals with the theme of the dry stone walls’ landscape which characterizes the rural “Koinè” of the Hyblean plateau in South-Eastern Sicily. The essay analyses the main political-economic, social-territorial, constructive and typological features which make the dry walls network the landmark of the Ragusa province. Because of the modification of the economic-cultural context that produced it, the loss of knowledge of the construction techniques and the lack of public resources, the definition of an axiology of the contemporary landscape as premise for the establishment of adequate terms of value for the safeguard of this heritage is required.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2017-01-01 |