

Analyse et fusion d’images multimodales pour la navigation autonome

Yifei Zhang


Multi-ModalApprentissage profond[INFO.INFO-TI] Computer Science [cs]/Image Processing [eess.IV]Multimodalite[INFO.INFO-TI]Computer Science [cs]/Image Processing [eess.IV]Image fusionDeep learningSemantic segmentationSegmentation semantiqueFusion d’images


Robust semantic scene understanding is challenging due to complex object types, as well as environmental changes caused by varying illumination and weather conditions. This thesis studies the problem of deep semantic segmentation with multimodal image inputs. Multimodal images captured from various sensory modalities provide complementary information for complete scene understanding. We provided effective solutions for fully-supervised multimodal image segmentation and few-shot semantic segmentation of the outdoor road scene. Regarding the former case, we proposed a multi-level fusion network to integrate RGB and polarimetric images. A central fusion framework was also introduced to adaptively learn the joint representations of modality-specific features and reduce model uncertainty via statistical post-processing.In the case of semi-supervised semantic scene understanding, we first proposed a novel few-shot segmentation method based on the prototypical network, which employs multiscale feature enhancement and the attention mechanism. Then we extended the RGB-centric algorithms to take advantage of supplementary depth cues. Comprehensive empirical evaluations on different benchmark datasets demonstrate that all the proposed algorithms achieve superior performance in terms of accuracy as well as demonstrating the effectiveness of complementary modalities for outdoor scene understanding for autonomous navigation.
