

What motivates the adoption of green restaurant products and services? A systematic review and future research agenda

Puneet KaurPuneet KaurAlberto FerrarisAlberto FerrarisT.m. ArunAmandeep DhirAmandeep DhirAmandeep Dhir


GREEN RESTAURANTSStrategy and Management:Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210::Bedriftsøkonomi: 213 [VDP]Geography Planning and DevelopmentCONSUMPTION BEHAVIORManagement Monitoring Policy and LawmotivasjonVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Økonomi: 210SUSTAINABILITYrestaurantnæringenHospitalityRETAILINGBusiness and International ManagementMarketingConsumer behaviourLITERATURE REVIEWPERCEPTIONgrønne produkter og tjenesterbusiness.industryTHEMATIC ANALYSISNoveltyFUTURE PROSPECTSystematic reviewConceptual frameworkContent analysisSYSTEMATIC REVIEWSustainabilityBusinessThematic analysisforbrukeradferd


Issues regarding green restaurants have received significant scholarly and practitioner attention in the last decade, particularly concerning why consumers adopt green restaurants. Although several reviews exist on green hospitality, a comprehensive review of the literature on consumers' green restaurant adoption is currently lacking. The following systematic literature review examines 50 research studies published on the consumer adoption of green restaurant services to address this gap accordingly. Through a detailed content analysis, the research profile and thematic analysis are presented. The review further identifies four key thematic foci: (a) consumer behavior variables studied, (b) antecedents internal to the consumer, (c) antecedents due to the perception of external factors, and (d) moderators. Limitations and gaps from each of the themes are offered with potential future research questions. The novelty of the review lies in the development of a “green restaurant adoption research framework” that cuts across multiple theoretical perspectives to summarize why consumers adopt green restaurant services. © 2021 The Authors. Business Strategy and The Environment published by ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
