

Influencia del género sobre el proceso de desarrollo del síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (Burnout) en profesionales de enfermería

Pedro R. Gil-monte


Burnout syndromeestrés laboralPsychologyEmotional exhaustionHumanitiesSocial psychologyGeneral PsychologyQuemarse por el trabajoenfermería


The purpose of this study was to analyze if gender differences establish significant differences in the levels and process of the burnout syndrome. Results indicate that the men (N = 72) perceive significantly more despersonalization that t he women (N = 258). In the sample of men p ersonal accomplishment was not a significant antecedent of despersonalization, while in the sample of women emotional exhaustion was not a significant antecedent of inclination to be absent. As a c onclusion it i s recommended that managers of personnel i n h ealth sector should take into consideration the gender differences in the intervention on the burnout syndrome.
