

La nascita pretermine nell'ottica del "to care"

Giovanna PerriconeIn Coll Con Gp ScimecaR. Maugeri



Premature birth in the perspective of “to care”. The article considers the implications of relationship between mother and premature baby during the stay in hospital. For babies’ evolution it’s very important the relationship between mother and sanitary personnel. The authors make reference to an ecological perspective of “to care”; this approach considers the baby connected with own environment, primarily the mother, who is the principal system of reference. We suppose that if medical team manages functions of protection, support and diagnosis,the mother can face the crisis of premature birth. If the mother feels self-efficacy, she’ll be able to overcome difficulties. We consider the correspondence of positive perception of the mother by herself and sanitary team, an indicator of a supportive relationship. The results of study confirm the hypothesis, since in the departments where there’s a corrispondence, the team has happeared more available to care for babies and their mothers.
