

La competittività di una destinazione turistica

Daria MendolaAntonino Mario OliveriG ContuM. Burgio


tourism competitiveness composite indicators destination managmentgestione della destinazioneSettore SECS-S/05 - Statistica Socialecompetittività turistica indicatori composti


Measuring destination competitiveness and identifying its determinants are strategic goals for pol-icy makers and tourism stakeholders. In order to do so, the availability of valid and reliable moni-toring tools is requested. In this context quantitative measurement tools, such as composite indi-cators, able to account for complexity and providing easily interpretable measures, represent a useful option. Nowadays composite indicators are commonly used for these aims but some criticism is suggested on how this happens. In this paper we provide some definitions of destination competitiveness and focus on related measurement approaches. In particular, supply-side competitiveness is distinguished from the demand-side one. Special attention is devoted to measurement issues.
