

Comparison between Theoretical Predictions and Legri Background Noise Experimental Measurements

Victor RegleroE. PorrasFilomeno Sanchez


PhysicsBackground noiseTheoretical physicsShort lived isotopesExperimental dataFluxOrder of magnitudeCosmologyCounting rateComputational physics


Trapped protons are responsible for the main component of LEGRI background. Detailed theoretical model has demonstrated that the proton-induced counting rate is two orders of magnitude larger than the counting rate of the diffuse gamma-ray flux. The continuous passes of LEGRI through the SAA (7 times everyday) makes very difficult the background modelling. Long and short lived isotopes contribute in very different time scales to the proton-induced background component. The goal of this paper is to present a comparison between the long-lived background noise theoretical predictions and the experimental data. The results show an unexpected good agreement between the predicted and the observed counting rates.
