

An answer to two questions of Brewster and Yeh on M-groups

Alexander Moretó


Normal subgroupCombinatoricsFinite groupMonomialCharacter (mathematics)Algebra and Number TheoryGroup (mathematics)BrewsterMathematics


Let χ be a (complex) irreducible character of a finite group. Recall that χ is monomial if there exists a linear character λ ∈ Irr(H), where H is some subgroup of G, such that χ = λG. A group is an M -group if all its irreducible characters are monomial. In 1992, B. Brewster and G. Yeh [1] raised the following two questions. Question A. Let M and N be normal subgroups of a group G. Assume that (|G : M |, |G : N |) = 1 and that M and N are M -groups. Does this imply that G is an M -group? ∗Research supported by the Basque Government, the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnoloǵia and the University of the Basque Country
