

Traits and phylogenies modulate the environmental responses of wood-inhabiting fungal communities across spatial scales

Nerea AbregoClaus BässlerMorten ChristensenJacob Heilmann-clausen


biogeography and macroecologyASSEMBLY PROCESSESJoint species distribution modelPlant SciencephylogeographyNICHE CONSERVATISMECOLOGYtrait syndromeeliömaantiedeHABITAT MODELSFUNCTIONAL DIVERSITYfylogeografiaWood decaying fungiGRADIENTEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsFungal traitTrait syndromefylogenetiikkaphylogenetic signaleliöyhteisötlahottajasienetjoint species distribution modelekologinen lokeroCLIMATESIZE1181 Ecology evolutionary biologyfungal traitEVOLUTIONARYDEAD WOODwood decaying fungi


Identifying the spatial scales at which community assembly processes operate is fundamental for gaining a mechanistic understanding of the drivers shaping ecological communities. In this study, we examined whether and how traits and phylogenetic relationships structure fungal community assembly across spatial scales. We applied joint species distribution modelling to a European-scale dataset on 215 wood-inhabiting fungal species, which includes data on traits, phylogeny and environmental variables measured at the local (log-level) and regional (site-level) scales. At the local scale, wood-inhabiting fungal communities were mostly structured by deadwood decay stage, and the trait and phylogenetic patterns along this environmental gradient suggested the lack of diversifying selection. At regional scales, fungal communities and their trait distributions were influenced by climatic and connectivity-related variables. The fungal climatic niches were not phylogenetically structured, suggesting that diversifying selection or stabilizing selection for climatic niches has played a strong role in wood-inhabiting communities. In contrast, we found a strong phylogenetic signal in the responses to connectivity-related variables, revealing phylogenetic homogenization in small and isolated forests. Synthesis. Altogether, our results show that species-level traits and phylogenies modulate the responses of wood-inhabiting fungi to environmental processes acting at different scales. This result suggests that the evolutionary histories of fungal traits diverge along different environmental axes. Peer reviewed
