

The stigma of feminism: disclosures and silences regarding female disadvantage in the video game industry in US and Finnish media stories

Teppo SintonenMarke Kivijärvi


feminismjulkinen keskusteluwomen in gamesComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSIONVisual Arts and Performing ArtsCommunicationMedia studiesStigma (botany)FeminismsukupuoliRepresentation (politics)stigmatGender StudiesfeminismipelialastigmasukupuoliroolitgenderpeliteollisuusSociologyvideo game industryVideo gameDisadvantage


This article examines how the issue of gender, particularly women’s (under)representation in the video game industry, is framed in US and Finnish media. Building on the notion of stigma surrounding feminism, the article examines discourse practices as acts of managing the image of feminism. The findings illustrate five stigma management strategies that offer the possibility of maintaining socially accepted ways of discussing gender inequality and portraying women in mainstream media. Using critical discourse analysis, the paper addresses how the use of these stigma management strategies connects with different contemporary feminisms. The strategies used and their ideological backgrounds vary between the two cultural contexts. This article contributes to the understanding of the ongoing discussions between postfeminism and neoliberal feminism in contemporary society and organizations by demonstrating how the expression of feminist ideas is managed in different cultural contexts. peerReviewed
